About Us

At morestarts.io, our journey began 7 years ago with a mission to elevate cash-based medical practices. Our experience in deploying over $1M monthly in online advertising and generating 30,000+ leads per month revealed a critical gap: the challenge of converting new leads into cash-paying patients. Recognizing the unique complexities of cash treatment conversions compared to insurance-based patients, we saw an urgent need for a scalable solution.

Driven by this insight, we pioneered the development of morestarts.io, an AI-powered tool designed to enhance patient starts as effectively as our in-person intervention. Our aim was not just to solve a local problem but to address a global need, impacting practices and communities worldwide.

That’s why morestarts.io is our answer to practices striving for growth, efficiency, and a meaningful impact in their community.

Mike Stanzyk

Chief Executive Officer

Adam Wenig

Chief Revenue Officer

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